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da | 13 Mag 2020 | NEWS

Si cerca di mettere una pezza al buco creato dalla Commissione Agricoltura dell’Europarlamento sulla convergenza interna (leggi l’articolo), ma per il momento è ancora tutto in forse. Dopo aver rivelato l’esistenza dell’emendamento capestro, ora Risoitaliano è in grado di diffondere il testo della relazione Comagri appena pubblicato (scarica: Transitorio – Testo Relazione Voto Comagri 28.04.2020 EN) in seguito alla revisione del servizio giuridico che conferma la validità dell’emendamento 387 (ora 84) per attuare la piena convergenza interna nel periodo transitorio e annulla il testo della proposta della Commissione che prevedeva la deroga (emendamento 87). Di questo passaggio vi abbiamo già dato conto nell’articolo. Nella relazione, che segue al lavoro di cesello dei servizi giuridici europarlamentari, viene però confermata una parte del testo della proposta della Commissione europea (emendamento 85) che dà la possibilità di stabilire una riduzione massima del valore dei titoli durante la convergenza interna:  “L’applicazione di tale riduzione si basa su criteri oggettivi e non discriminatori, che possono includere la fissazione di una riduzione massima”. In altre parole, il Parlamento europeo tira dritto sulla decisione di imporre la piena convergenza interna, e ciò porterà quindi a ridurre i valori dei titoli più alti, ma permette ai singoli Paesi di fissare un limite alla sforbiciata. Ricordiamo che oggi sarà annunciata in plenaria all’Europarlamento la decisione per l’avvio dei negoziati con il Consiglio, che inizieranno domani.  Numerose commissioni hanno deciso di avviare negoziati interistituzionali, a norma dell’articolo 71, paragrafo 1, del regolamento, sulla base delle seguenti relazioni:


Amendment 84

Proposal for a regulation

Article 10 – paragraph 1 – point 6


Regulation (EU) No 1307/2013

Article 25 – paragraph 11– subparagraph 1 – introductory part


Text proposed by the Commission



After having applied the adjustment

referred to in Article 22(5), Member States

that have made use of the derogation

provided for in paragraph 4 of this Article

may decide that payment entitlements held

by farmers on 31 December 2019 having a

value lower than the national or regional

unit value for the year 2020 as calculated

in accordance with the second

subparagraph of this paragraph have their

unit value increased towards the national or

regional unit value in the year 2020.

The increase shall be calculated under the

following conditions:


After having applied the adjustment

referred to in Article 22(5), Member States

that have made use of the derogation

provided for in paragraph 4 of this Article

shall ensure that payment entitlements

held by farmers on 31 December 2019 and,

where Article -1(2) of Regulation (EU)

…/… [Transitional Regulation] applies, 31

December 2020, having a value lower than

the national or regional unit value for the

subsequent year of the transitional period

as calculated in accordance with the second

subparagraph of this paragraph have their

unit value increased towards the national or

regional unit value in the corresponding


The increase shall be calculated under

the following conditions:


Amendment 85

Proposal for a regulation

Article 10 – paragraph 1 – point 6

Regulation (EU) No 1307/2013

Article 25 – paragraph 11 – subparagraph 1 – point b


Text proposed by the Commission


(b) to finance the increase, all or part of

the owned or leased-in payment

entitlements held by farmers on 31

December 2019 having a value higher than

the national or regional unit value in the

year 2020 as calculated in accordance with

the second subparagraph shall be reduced.

That reduction shall apply to the difference

between the value of those entitlements

and the national or regional unit value in

the year 2020. The application of that

reduction shall be based on objective and

non-discriminatory criteria, which may

include the fixing of a maximum decrease.

(b) to finance the increase, all or part of

the owned or leased-in payment

entitlements held by farmers on 31

December 2019 and, where Article -1(2)

of the Regulation (EU) …/… [Transitional

Regulation] applies, 31 December 2020,

having a value higher than the national or

regional unit value in the subsequent year

of the transitional period as calculated in

accordance with the second subparagraph

shall be reduced. That reduction shall apply

to the difference between the value of those

entitlements and the national or regional

unit value in the corresponding year. The

application of that reduction shall be based

on objective and non-discriminatory

criteria, which may include the fixing of a

maximum decrease.


Amendment 86

Proposal for a regulation

Article 10 – paragraph 1 – point 6

Regulation (EU) No 1307/2013

Article 25 – paragraph 11 – subparagraph 2


Text proposed by the Commission



The national or regional unit value for the

year 2020 referred to in the first

subparagraph shall be calculated by

dividing the national or regional ceiling for

the basic payment scheme set in

accordance with Article 22(1) or 23(2) for

the year 2020, excluding the amount of the

national or regional reserve(s), by the

number of the owned or leased-in payment

entitlements held by farmers on 31

December 2019.


The national or regional unit value for the

years during the transitional period

referred to in the first subparagraph shall

be calculated by dividing the national or

regional ceiling for the basic payment

scheme set in accordance with Article

22(1) or 23(2) for the year in question,

excluding the amount of the national or

regional reserve(s), by the number of the

owned or leased-in payment entitlements

held by farmers on 31 December of the

preceding year.


Amendment 87

Proposal for a regulation

Article 10 – paragraph 1 – point 6

Regulation (EU) No 1307/2013

Article 25 – paragraph 11 – subparagraph 3

Text proposed by the Commission



By way of derogation from the first

subparagraph, Member States that have

made use of the derogation provided for

in paragraph 4 may decide to keep the

value of payment entitlements calculated

in accordance with that paragraph subject

to the adjustment referred to in Article





Amendment 88

Proposal for a regulation

Article 10 – paragraph 1 – point 7

Regulation (EU) No 1307/2013

Article 25 – paragraph 12


Text proposed by the Commission



12. For calendar year 2021, Member

States may decide to apply further internal

convergence by applying paragraph 11 to

the respective year.

12. For the whole of the period of

application of this Regulation, Member

States shall apply further internal

convergence by applying paragraph 11 to

the respective year.



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